Q: How can we earn in Vestige?
The four ingredients for achieving success in the Vestige system as an entrepreneur is given below:- Be a regular user of Vestige products
- Earn by sharing the products
- Enrich yourself by sharing the business
- Enrich yourself by enriching others
Q: Why Vestige Business plan is good?
Vestige offers very rewarding bonuses for your untiring efforts in promoting the business. Vestige marketing plan is specifically designed with the view of providing an equal business opportunity; it is an Accumulative Plan, where you never slide down from your existing level and ascend higher on the ladder of success.- Savings on consumption – 10 – 20%
- Accumulative Performance Bonus – 5 – 20%
- Director Bonus – 14%
- Leadership Overriding Bonus – 15%
- Travel Fund – 3%
- Car Fund – 5%
- House Fund – 3%
Q: What is qualification for 5-20% performance bonus?
A distributor has to qualify for getting the performance bonuses and is entitled to earn the bonuses according to the level qualified. Vestige offers very rewarding performance bonuses, which are amongst the best in the world of direct selling. To earn this performance bonus, the qualifying level of Point Value (PV) has to be accumulated.- Accumulative Performance Bonus (APB) Schedule — 5-20%
- Distributor who will accumulate PV between 1-500 will get performance bonus @ 5 %
- Distributor who will accumulate PV between 500 – 2000 will get performance bonus @ 8%
- Distributor who will accumulate PV between 2001-4500 will get performance bonus @ 11%
- Distributor who will accumulate PV between 4501 – 7500 will get performance bonus @ 14%
- Assistant Director who will accumulate PV between 7501 -10000 will get performance bonus @ 17%
- Bronze Director Distributor who will accumulate PV – 10,001+ will get performance bonus @ 20%
Q: In Vestige, Regular monthly purchasing is compulsory or not?
To receive performance bonus for a given month, distributors must do personal purchase (at distributor price) of the following value in the month:
a) Distributors who earn up to 17% payout – 20 PVb) Distributors who earn 20% payout – 40 PV
Q: What is Vestige Fast start 8%?
When a distributor does a GPV of 282 in a single month before reaching 8% level then he/she is granted a special growth and the level of 8%. If a qualifying distributor has a downline also qualifying for Fast Start 8%, then the upline distributor has to maintain personal PV of 282 from other lines.Q: What is PV/BV Ratio in India? Is it same for other countries also?
PV : BV ratio in India is 1 : 18 and payout in Indian Rupees. The PV: BV ratio may be different in other countries. Bonus Payout in all countries will be calculated based on their respective PV: BV ratio.Q: What is Director Bonus?
Director bonus is an amount which is payable to all qualified bronze director and above level distributors. Vestige allocates 14% of the Companies monthly PV as Director Bonus (DB). This is computed by a “Point Sharing System” based on the Director Bonus points earned by the qualifiers. DB Point value varies each month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below:14% of Company’s monthly PV = DB point value / Total DB points collected
Q: What is Vestige fast Start Bronze Director?
If anyone achieve 7,501 PV in a single business month, He/She will be qualify as a Fast Start Bronze Director & He/She will be entitled for 20% performance bonus and Director bonus.Q: What is LOB (Leaders Overriding Bonus), who is eligible for it & How can we calculate its Point value?
Leadership overriding bonus (LOB) is payable to Silver Directors and above. The percentage of the LOB depends on the position. To qualify for LOB all qualifiers must have a personal purchase of 40 PV and 5,625 GPV excluding personal purchase of 40 PV. 5,625 GPV has to come from a single downline group.If your Director downline does not have a GPV of 5,625 then GPV of qualified/ unqualified directors is rolled up till 5,625 GPV is achieved. LOB is also based on point value system and then value of the point is determined according to the formula shown below.
15% of Company’s monthly PV = LOB Point Value / Total LOB points collected
Q: What is TF (Travel Fund), who is eligible for it & how can we calculate its Point value?
Vestige provides a Travel Fund (TF) to Silver Directors and above. The TF allocates 3% of company & monthly total PV and is computed by a Point sharing System & based on the Travel Fund points earned by the qualifiers. TF value per point will vary each month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below.3% of total Company’s monthly PV = TF Point Value / Total Travel Fund points collected
Q: What is CF (CAR Fund), who is eligible for it & how can we calculate its Point value?
Vestige provides a generous Car Fund (CF) to Star Directors and above. The CF allocates 5% of company monthly total PV and is computed by a Point sharing System based on the Car Fund points earned by the qualifiers. CF value per point will vary each month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below.5% of total Company’s monthly PV= CF Point Value / Total CF points collected
Q: Can car fund achiever buy CAR? Can distributor use car fund for other activities?
A Distributor qualifying for the Car Fund has to purchase a car after getting an approval from the company. The Car Fund may also be used for Business Development after getting approval from the Company.Q: What is benefit of CAR fund and what is maximum limit of car fund?
Once you have qualified for the Car Fund, you can enjoy the Car Fund continuously till the time you have qualified as a Silver Director. Rs 60,000 per month are the maximum you can earn in CF.Q: What is HF (House Fund), who is eligible for it & how can we calculate its Point value?
Vestige provides a generous House Fund (HF) to Crown Directors and above. The HF allocates 3% of Company total PV and is computed by a Point Sharing System based on the House Fund points collected by the respective qualifiers. HF value per point will vary each month and is computed monthly as per the formula shown below.3% of total Company’s monthly PV= HF Point Value / Total HF points collected
Q: What is benefit of House fund and what is maximum limit of house fund?
Once you have qualified for the House Fund, you can enjoy the House Fund continuously till the time you have qualified as a Silver Director. The house fund earnings will be released by the Company in the following month along with the Bonus Cheque.80, 000 per month is the maximum you can earn in HF.Q: What is Vestige system?
Vestige system is very simple & easiest way of success in vestige. Follow following steps.- Consume the Products
- Share the Products
- Make a List
- Invite the People
- Share the Opportunity
- Team Work
- Follow Up