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Sunday, May 13, 2018

How to Build a List of Prospects For Your Direct Sales Business

First, please don’t miss this point – Write out your list, on paper. Get it out of your head.
And, here is where you have a choice.
Some people say –
No one I know will be interested. (Really, you are a mind reader?)
I don’t have any warm market. (Really, you don’t know ANYONE?)
I don’t want to talk to anyone I know until I am successful.
These are 3 common objections to making that list.
Here is the thing, though –
Every business needs customers. Direct Sales consists of customers and business builders, who are also customers.
How do you intend to find customers to take your business into profit?
I understand Fear, so I want to acknowledge that. We all have them. And, those who are successful learn to push THROUGH them. It doesn’t mean the fear goes away. I had this discussion with my Heart-Line(Down-line)as we were working on His list.
I explained what NO means from a prospect. It’s not rejection, or any kind of indicator that what you are doing, or your company/product is bad.
If you don’t want to start with those you know, then you MUST find alternative ways to find people to talk to.
This can be – life styling, offline networking events, running ads, buying leads, or social media. Those methods have been and will be covered in future shows, so stay tuned. In the meantime, still pay attention here, because either way, you’ll want to know how to work with your list.
And, as you go throughout your direct sales career, you’ll always want to be adding to that list.
So, let’s build a list, shall we?
Get out a notebook. Yes, we are going to WRITE it down. There is power in the act of writing vs typing.
Start with your hot market – these are those people closest to you, who you are simply going to contact, share what you are doing and ask if they will just try your product and give you a customer testimonial if they like it.
Who will do this for you, because of your relationship? Family, very close friends, inlaws and so on. You aren’t going to try to “sell” them on the business.
Next, let’s think more about warm market. Those would be people you know and have a good relationship with, but won’t immediately say yes to trying your product.
Business oriented market – who do you do business with?
Networking contacts
Previous Business Contacts
Other Social Media sites
Forums online
Network Marketing leaders you may know – just to advise and promote product
My story with men and the women they know.
Mobile Phone
Potential referral partners
Sort your list – how do you know these people?
This is important because then you want to pull out your pre-launch list. You’ll approach them a little differently, with a different “Hook.”
A hook is just a form of enticement; some bait, so to speak, and not in a bad way. You want to chum the waters; salt the oats to lead them to water.
Have a goal you are working toward with prelaunch group.
Incentive trip.
Regional Training Event.
Promote the heck out of your incentive, Build excitement toward it.
Incorporate it into your contacting language.
Now, here is some advice you have heard over and over again but don’t pre-judge and don’t edit your list. Put every name down that you think if, even if you come back to them later. My daughter and I also worked on this, as she didn’t fully get it.
There will be some you contact for –
Referral Partners
1. Write the list down. Don’t leave it in your head.
2. Sort your list by the 3 categories.
3. Don’t edit your list.
4. Have a hook or goal you are working toward with your contacts.
5. Be fearless with your list. You’re just asking a simple question.

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