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Monday, June 18, 2018

MLM Training: New Distributor Success Techniques

Not sure what type of MLM training is needed for your new distributor? Use proven strategies to get your new distributor started the right way for success. It all starts with MLM training to educate them on the power of your network marketing business and expectations.
Even after your prospects join your MLM business, there is no guarantee that will stay or even do anything productive.
So if you are dedicated to success and earning that freedom income, get the right MLM training in front of your new distributor so everyone’s dreams can become reality.

MLM Training for Your New Distributors

There are a few essential things new distributors new to learn in MLM training. No, I won’t be telling you about having them make a contact list or a checklist to adhere to daily.
That is the easy part right?
New distributor MLM training really starts during the prospecting stage. It’s all about MLM education at every stage. When you present your business to your prospect, you want to end with these four questions:
  1. Money: Based upon the information you just saw, how much money would you need to earn per month in order to be able to make this worth your time?
  2. Time: About how many hours a week would you be willing to commit in order to develop that type of an income?
  3. Commitment: How many months would you be willing to work the X hours a week to develop that income?
  4. In or out: If I could show you how to do that, are you ready to get started?
These 4 questions are a key component to MLM training before your new distributors ever get started! You are teaching techniques and duplication that are easy to do and powerful to getting new distributors on-board.
Make sure that you set proper expectations as well. In any MLM training, you must be honest first and foremost. If a prospect tells you they are will to commit to 3 hours a week to make 40,00 a month within 4 months, you must have the integrity to tell them it’s not possible.
Build the right expectations for those new distributors. Once they join your business, help them make small victories fast for true MLM success.

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