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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Some Important Points About Vestige

1. Vestige is the number one Direct Selling company in India.
2. Vestige is the only company in India where there are over 1500 people earning 1 lakh to 48 lakh
3. The only company in India where more than 85 people have taken luxury car (BMW, merc, audi,
jaguar) car (no one has sold).
4. Indian’s only company where more than 2000 car achievers are.
5. It is the only company in India where 8/10 people make luxurious car achievers every 4 months.
6. India’s only company where 75/80 people car achievers in every 4 months.
7. India’s only company whose 99.99% leaderboard never left it.
8. It is the only company in India who has never changed plans in 13 years or ever.
9. It is the only company in India where such people who can not even see, take up to 2.5 lakhs of
10. It is the only company in India where hundreds of people who are unable to listen and speak, take
income up to 80,000 months.
11. The company of India, which has a very magnificent office in India, in Okhla, in 36000 squre fit × 5,
today’s value is about 127 crores.
12. Indian’s only company where there are 3500 franchisees with 650 offices.
13. The company of India whose own manufacturing, 3 factories in its millions of square fit.
14. This is the company of India, which is the MEMBER of IDSA / FICCI.
15. The company of India where 2 to 2.5 lakh people are joining every month.
16. It is the company of India where 7 lakh people go to income every month.
17. It is the only company in India whose portal is in the name of BEST DEAL, which has more than 500
domestic products today
18. The company of India whose units are GMP certified.
19. The company of India whose products
20. This company of India has an office in every state of India.
21. This company of India whose products are very AFFORDABLE with International QUAILITY.
22. The company of India who did not raise PRICE of their PRODUCTs for many years.
23. India’s only company, which has more than 20,000 different types of meetings / training / functions
every year in India.
24. The only company in India whose turnover never went down any time.
25. Indian’s single company, whose name is in the world’s top 100 companies.

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