Are You a Boss or a Leader?
A boss drives his men. A leader coaches them.
A boss depends on authority. A leader depends on goodwill.
A boss depends on authority. A leader depends on goodwill.
A boss says “I”. A leader says “we”.
A boss says “Be there on time.” A leader gets there ahead of time.
A boss fixes the blame for the breakdown on you. A leader fixes the breakdown.
A boss knows how it is done. A leader shows how.
A boss says “go.” A leader says “Let’s go.”
A boss uses people. A leader develops them.
A boss sees today. A leader looks at tomorrow.
A boss commands. A leader asks.
A boss never has enough time. A leader makes time.
A boss is concerned with things. A leader is concerned with people.
A boss lets his people know where he stands. A leader lets his people know where to stand.
A boss works hard to produce. A leader works hard to help his people produce.
A boss takes the credit. A leader gives it.