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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

What are the most useful skills

What are the most useful skills you’ve used to achieve the results you have achieved in your businesses?

  • Influence – A leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. Everything rises and falls on leaderships, so it’s an essential attribute for success.  Influence is also used to effectively and persuasively communicate the virtues of a good product or service, and to get people to say YES!  We also know that at sales.
  • Skills – There are certain technical skills you need for whatever industry you are a part of, so it’s important to develop those skills.  Although, they are a small fraction of what your success will be predicated on.  You must eventually learn to outsource the things that make the most sense to outsource, so that you can work on the business versus in the business.
  • Focus – In today’s fast paced society, the ability to focus is becoming a rarity.  People are all over the place, and easily distracted.  Time management is a myth, because time is already well managed into 24 hours a day.  FOCUS Management is the challenge for us all.  How to stay FOCUSED, and WHAT to focus on is also a topic in itself. It helps to have mentorship to assist you in this category.
  • Work Ethic – The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.  It’s important to build up your tolerance for work.  If you are doing what you love, you work can become your play.
  • Belief – As an entrepreneur, you are a creator.  You turn intangible ideas into something tangible, and it requires belief!  Not only does belief affect your physiology, but it also has an atmospheric affect that makes the universe start to conspire to that which you believe.

  • Faith – The good book says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” It requires faith to keep working when the results are not immediate.  Entrepreneurship requires faith – the faith to believe even when it seems like believing is not working.

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