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Wednesday, April 04, 2018

What is the right way to recruit people to sell for you?

 I know that successful MLM businesses need a sales force. What is the right way to recruit people to sell for you?

First: Invite people to look at your business proposition with a direct or indirect approach.  A direct approach would be to ask them to look at your business for themselves. An indirect approach is asking someone to look at your business to assist you with recommendations or referrals.  There are many different patterns of language that you can use based on the relationship you have with the prospective recruit.  The invitation process is a very important skill to learn. Your invitation has a lot to do with whether the person will join your team or support your business.
Second: Most people do not join on the first exposure, so fortune lies in the follow-up process.  You must help to advance the prospective recruits understanding of your business on each follow-up interaction.  Focus on building a stronger rapport and relationship along the way.
Third: Use third-party social proof to validate the opportunity and to increase the prospect’s belief that someone like them can be successful with your company.
Fourth: Do a game plan interview and get the person off to a fast start.  How you start a new person has a lot to do with their commitment level and how long they will build the business.  Because network marketing is a voluntary business, the retention of distributors is an important skill to learn.
Fifth: Create a winning environment for your team to grow and for them to feed off the energy and excitement of others.

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