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Sunday, May 27, 2018

The most important factor you have to know that the “Fortune is in the follow-up”.

Finding people is becoming easier and easier, but you have to follow-up with every single MLM prospect – here’s how

There are only about a million and one different ways you can go about prospecting in our modern day, using tools like the Internet, email marketing, search engine optimization, or anyone of the more traditional marketing methods you are most comfortable with. Finding hot prospects in people that are looking for the opportunity to make incredible sums of money with very little work or effort required is not exactly a difficult sell, but you do need to follow up religiously to fill up your downline on a consistent and ever-growing basis.

Think of your prospecting not as a one-time effort, but instead a process that you’ll need to go through from start to finish with every single one of your prospects. The very first interaction you have with a prospect is much like the first date, just getting to know each other and fuel one another out. Find out what you can do to help the prospect.  Use their story as leverage and use your MLM Network marketing opportunity as leverage to help your prospect.  The next interaction you begin to outline exactly what you anticipate and what they should expect, moving forward in a sequential system until you’ve roped them in to your marketing pipeline.  Most people when they evaluate an opportunity, it takes about 3-5 exposures before they make a decision.

When you focus on multiple steps in the MLM prospecting process you’ll be able to explode your growth far past what everyone else is doing, simply because your stretching yourself to become successful.  You will naturally will start to attract people and this is an effective way of getting people to join you – this is how you influence and persuade people. It doesn’t matter which tools or technologies you use to put this process in place, but the more you can systematize it and take yourself out of the equation (while still giving as much personal contact or the impression of personal contact as possible), the better it will be for you.

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