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Friday, June 01, 2018

List Building tips for new Distributors by Aggressive Achievers

This phrase has become the mantra of all successful network marketers, simply because they understand that building a list of loyal followers allows you to sell to them, over and over again.  But building a quality list of prospects for your business can be tricky and time consuming.
That’s why I’ve put together this compilation of list building success tips, so that you can avoid the mistakes I made when I first got started.
As a network marketer, there is nothing worse than running out of people to talk to about your business.  Most newbies are told to make a list of family, friends, and anyone else they’ve ever met.  The idea is to get started quickly with people who already know and trust you.  It’s called the warm market and it can help new network marketers get some quick results.  But when that list is exhausted, what happens?  Most network marketers have no clue what to do next, they get frustrated and ultimately quit the business.
By  Video, you will understand the basics of  building your list after your warm market leads have run out.  Also, with my list building success tips you’ll understand how to develop a list of prospects who see you as a leader and THE person who can help them achieve their goals.

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