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Thursday, December 26, 2019



We can all be inspired for a few moments or a few days, maybe even a month or two. That kind of temporary inspiration doesn't stay with us though, because it isn't meaningful enough. When we find what truly inspires us permanently, then we know we have added something meaningful to our lives.
And it will always involve improving the lives of others in some way. It may be writing a book; it may be passing out a joke of the day at the office. It may mean the giving of time to volunteer where there is real need. So here is the challenge:
Get quiet within:-
Spending time alone will unlock the real you. You may find that your inspiration will bubble up and you will know what you must do.
Watch for signs that your inspiration is pushing you in certain directions.
When you find that thing that inspires you, make it a part of your everyday life. Keep those reminders all over the place until you have the habit.
Watch the rest of your own life become meaningful.
Enjoy the joy!
The greatest fool is not the person who has been fooled by the lies of others, despite how crafty and ingenious those lies might have been. Rather, it is the fool who has lied with such amazing dexterity and subtle finesse that he himself has come to believe his own lies. And this is the most forlorn and yet the most dangerous person that I can imagine.

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